Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Felines like chocolate milk

Felines like chocolate milk. This I know because Vince made a glass of chocolate milk and placed it within reach of our cat, Star.

She reached in with her paw and shook it as if the cold liquid was a shock. Then she had a little taste.....

She must have liked it because she reached in again and licked her paw right away.
Then she tried to stick her head in the glass at which point I put down the camera and prevented a potential chocolaty milky mess that yours truly would have had to clean up.

For the record, Vince dumped that glass and made himself a fresh glass of chocolate milk. And the germophobe within me rejoiced :)


  1. They also like yougart (I don't know why but I never spell that word right, or the same way twice!) Sam (my Mum's old cat) got his head stuck in the container this morning... oh how I wished I had my camera.

    Oh and I am still putting in my request for a homemade alfredo sauce... preferably with garlic :D

  2. Sarah, I JUST finished writing up my post on alfredo sauce. Stay tuned... it'll be up early next week (I have posts lined up to come up every other day for the next little while).

  3. Awesome! I love chocolate milk, and I love Star. :) This blog post was all about my favourite things. I'll have to try choc milk with my cats.

  4. Oh yeah, and I also won't drink something if my cats have had their paws in it.
